The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

Autify Plugin

autifyMobile: Run test on Autify for Mobile

  • credentialsId : String
    Select the credentials of "Secret Text" storing the Personal Access Token of Autify for Mobile.
    See Autify's document to understand how to generate the Personal Access Token.
  • autifyUrl : String
    The URL of your test plan you want to run on Autify for Mobile e.g.<ID>/test_plans/<ID>
  • autifyPath : String (optional)
  • buildId : String (optional)
  • buildPath : String (optional)
    If it's a relative path, it will be relative from the workspace directory.
  • shellInstallerUrl : String (optional)
  • timeout : String (optional)
    Only meaningful if you check "Wait".
    Timeout seconds when waiting the test finishes. If exceeds, the step will fail.
  • wait : boolean (optional)
    If checked, the step will wait until the Autify's test plan finishes.

autifyMobileUpload: Upload build to Autify for Mobile

  • credentialsId : String
    Select the credentials of "Secret Text" storing the Personal Access Token of Autify for Mobile.
    See Autify's document to understand how to generate the Personal Access Token.
  • workspaceId : String
  • buildPath : String
    If it's a relative path, it will be relative from the workspace directory.
  • autifyPath : String (optional)
  • shellInstallerUrl : String (optional)

autifyWeb: Run test on Autify for Web

  • credentialsId : String
    Select the credentials of "Secret Text" storing the Personal Access Token of Autify for Web.
    See Autify's document to understand how to generate the Personal Access Token.
  • autifyUrl : String
    The URL of your test plan or test scenario you want to run on Autify for Web e.g.<ID>/(scenarios|test_plans)/<ID>
  • autifyConnect : String (optional)
  • autifyConnectClient : boolean (optional)
    If checked, the step will start Autify Connect Client locally with an ephemeral Autify Connect Access Point. "Wait" option must be also checked.
  • autifyPath : String (optional)
  • browser : String (optional)
  • device : String (optional)
  • deviceType : String (optional)
  • os : String (optional)
  • osVersion : String (optional)
  • shellInstallerUrl : String (optional)
  • testExecutionName : String (optional)
  • timeout : String (optional)
    Only meaningful if you check "Wait".
    Timeout seconds when waiting the test finishes. If exceeds, the step will fail.
  • urlReplacements (optional)
    List of a pair of URLs to replace the URL when Autify test accesses. This is useful when you want to run the same Autify test in a different stage e.g. running a test recorded in production against staging.
      Array / List of Nested Object
    • patternUrl : String
    • replacementUrl : String
  • wait : boolean (optional)
    If checked, the step will wait until the Autify's test plan or scenario finishes.

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