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Jenkins new year in China

February 05, 2019

At the time of the Spring Festival. I want to make a summary of some activities in the last year. You might already notice that more and more Chinese contributors emerge in the Jenkins community. We have a GSoC champion who is Shenyu Zheng. He is a great example for other students. With the effort of three skilled engineers, many Jenkins users could learn the edge technologies and useful use cases. They co-organized several Jenkins Meetups in a couple of cities in China.

There are two workshops about Jenkins and Jenkins X in the DevOps International Summit. James Rawlings gave us a wonderful view of the Jenkins X. Many people start to know this project. The Chinese website of jx would be helpful to those people.

On November 3rd, 2018 the Jenkins User Conference China(JUCC) was hosted in Shenzhen. More than 200 attendees gathered at JUCC to share and discuss Jenkins, DevOps, Continuous Delivery, Pipeline, and Agile.

There was a Jenkins workshop to teach users to develop a plugin in October. It was during the Hacktoberfest 2018. So some people got a beautiful T-shirt at this meetup. We’ll keep this event in 2019. I hope more users and developers could join us.

Thank you all folks. And other friendly contributors.

Chinese KongFu

Chinese is our main communication language. A large number of the Jenkins users are not a proficient English speaker. So letting most of Chinese Jenkins users could easily use Jenkins as their CI/CD platform is the final mission of Chinese Localization SIG. You can find three participants on the page. But that’s not the full list. More exciting thing is that Alauda giving a big support which as a startup company.

WeChat is the greatest social media channel in China. WeChat has one billion users. Almost everyone in China has a WeChat account. It must be a perfect place to publish articles and events. There are over 1k people subscribed the Jenkins official WeChat Subscription Account in the last three months.

In the new year, I’m looking forward to growing up with you all!

About the author



Rick is a big fan of Jenkins, also as a contributor leading the Jenkins China community.