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Jenkins World Contributor Summit

Daniel Beck
July 03, 2017

As in previous years, there’ll be a contributor summit at Jenkins World 2017:

Let’s talk about the future of Jenkins and how you can help shape it! The contributor summit is the place where the current and future contributors of the Jenkins project get together. This year, the theme is “working together”. Traditionally, most contributors are plugin maintainers focusing on their own plugins, but it’s important to look at Jenkins as a whole, because that’s how users experience it. There is more to the project beyond writing plugins, and even for plugin developers, there are increasing number of common libraries and modules that plugins should rely on. In short, we should work better together.

A few contributors will prepare some presentations to help clarify what that means, and what all of us can do. And in the afternoon, there will be "unconference" sessions to brainstorm and discuss what we can do and how.

Whether you are already a contributor or just thinking about becoming one, please join us for this full day free event.

Details about this year’s agenda are available on the event’s meetup page. Attending is free, and no Jenkins World ticket is needed, but RSVP if you’re going to attend to help us plan.

See you there!

About the author

Daniel Beck

Daniel is a Jenkins core maintainer and member of the Jenkins security team. He was the inaugural Jenkins security officer from 2015 to 2021. He sometimes contributes to developer documentation and project infrastructure in his spare time.