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Blue Ocean Dev Log: March Week #3

Michael Neale
Michael Neale
March 17, 2017

We’re counting down the weeks until Blue Ocean 1.0, and we’re getting close! In this past week, the first release candidate has gone out to the Update Center, along with a new Pipeline Editor plugin. The Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor is its own plugin which integrates into Blue Ocean, so this was a coordinated release with Blue Ocean 1.0 rc1.

Editing a Pipeline

Noteworthy this week:

  • RC1 includes the Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor, which is integrates support for branch editing and saving the Pipeline back to GitHub (also referred to as "round-tripping").

  • Many dependencies have been upgraded

  • Per-stage raw logs can be downloaded, this will be included in the next release.

  • Editor design improvements

  • Fixes for overflowing text

  • The new sleeker favorite card design has been released, so you can fit more favorites on your screen!

Pipeline Favorites

The Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor is better integrated into a few different screens in Blue Ocean. For example, you can open the editor from the results screen (top right):

Editing a Pipeline

Or open the editor from branch listings:

Editing a Pipeline

Up next:

  • More bug-bashing! Please join us in testing the release candidate. Instructions for trying Blue Ocean can be found on our project page.

  • Another release candidate


If you’re interested in helping to make Blue Ocean a great user experience for Jenkins, please join the Blue Ocean development team on Gitter!

About the author

Michael Neale

Michael Neale

Michael is a CD enthusiast with a interest in User Experience. He is a co-founder of CloudBees and a long time OSS developer, and can often be found lurking around the jenkins-dev mailing list or #jenkins on irc (same nick as twitter name). Before CloudBees he worked at Red Hat.