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Jenkins 2.0 Proposal: UX Improvements (Part One)

R. Tyler Croy
R. Tyler Croy
October 29, 2015

We have been featuring a few proposals this week for what "[Jenkins 2.0]" is going to include. Today we’ll be diving into the most noticeable changes being proposed for Jenkins 2.0: the User Experience (UX) improvements

Thus far in this blog series we have reviewed proposals covering:

The UX improvements being proposed aren’t necessarily as uniform as the proposals from earlier in the week but represent a large amount of prototype and exploratory work done by folks like Tom Fennelly, Gus Reiber and a few others. Those following the dev list may have already seen some of these proposals in some of the "mega threads" that we have had discussing potential UI/UX improvements previously.

The improvements proposed for 2.0 can be found under JENKINS-31156. The most promising proposal under this issue is to update the plugin manager experience.

Another very important proposal for 2.0 worth mentioning is the proposal to update UI work well on mobile devices.

Providing Feedback

We’re asking you to read the issues linked from JENKINS-31156 and comment and vote on those issues accordingly.

If you have ever logged in to the issue tracker or the wiki, you have a "Jenkins user account" which means you’ll be able to log into the issue tracker and vote for, or comment on the issue linked above.

(note: if you have forgotten your password, use the account app to reset it.)

We’re going to review feedback, make any necessary adjustments and either approve or reject the proposal two weeks from today.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post covering the remainder of the proposed user experience changes!

About the author

R. Tyler Croy

R. Tyler Croy

R. Tyler Croy has been part of the Jenkins project for the past seven years. While avoiding contributing any Java code, Tyler is involved in many of the other aspects of the project which keep it running, such as this website, infrastructure, governance, etc.