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Office hour on proposed UI/UX changes

Daniel Beck
September 07, 2015

Gus Reiber will host this week’s office hour on Wednesday, 11 AM PDT. He’ll talk about some of the UI/UX improvements in Jenkins that he’s working on, and will answer your questions about it.

He’s already given several talks about this, so you can check these out to learn more before the office hour:

There are also some mailing list threads where he’s discussing his designs with the community:

The links to the Google Hangout (participate) and Youtube (watch live) will be posted to the wiki before the event. If you don’t get into the Hangout (limited number of participants), don’t worry: You’ll be able to send questions and suggestions to his Twitter account @gusreiber.

About the author

Daniel Beck

Daniel is a Jenkins core maintainer and member of the Jenkins security team. He was the inaugural Jenkins security officer from 2015 to 2021. He sometimes contributes to developer documentation and project infrastructure in his spare time.